Knife-wielding thugs burst into kitchen and steal dogs

A WOMAN was held at knifepoint in Kings Norton, UK, whilst masked thieves stole five English bulldog puppies.

Two males broke into Samantha Stewart's house whilst a third is believed to have kept watch outside. The horrifying attack took place on Thursday, June 10 at 10am.

The break-in, which happened while Ms Stewart, 25, was home alone, took place shortly after the puppies were put for sale on Facebook.

She said: "I walked back in, I locked my door, I walked straight through my house to the back door, I opened the back door and the dog ran out into the back garden.

"I came back into make a coffee, and I saw something move out the corner of my eye. As I turned around there were two geezers in my kitchen, with masks on.

"I shouted: 'What the f*** are you doing in my house?'

"The one was screaming: 'Give me the puppies, shut up.' He grabbed me, got the knife, and shouted at me for my phone

"The knife was not far away from me, I kind of threw the phone. I just wanted them to go, there was nothing else for them to take."

Ryo Brown, one of the co-owners, described the attack.

He said: “This morning, the neighbours saw three lads outside the house.

“We believe they must have been watching the house as they ran in the back door as the puppies' mother was let out into the garden.

“They held a knife to the chest of the woman inside the house and demanded her phone. She has a mark on her chest where she was held at knifepoint.

“They kicked the mother of the puppies and then made a grab for the pups.

“They left the house and then ran off towards Walkers Heath Park.

He added: “We'd not long advertised the puppies for sale Facebook, so think it could be linked to that.”

Mr Brown said due to their young age it is vital the puppies are recovered swiftly.

He explained: “The dogs are only four-weeks-old and still reliant on their mother.

“They need to be found urgently.”